Explicación_Rodamiendo hacia adelante - Forward rolling


  1. Library Inclusion:

    • The line #include <DRV8833.h> includes a library called DRV8833.h. This library likely provides functions and definitions related to controlling a motor driver module.
    • The DRV8833 library is designed for the Pololu DRV8833 dual motor driver carrier.
  2. Motor Driver Initialization:

    • The line DRV8833 driver = DRV8833(); creates an instance of the DRV8833 class called driver.
    • This instance will be used to control the motor driver.
  3. Pin Definitions:

    • The following lines define pin numbers for various components:
      • int motorA1 = 5; and int motorA2 = 6;: These are the pins connected to one of the motor channels (Motor A).
      • int motorB1 = 11; and int motorB2 = 3;: These are the pins connected to the other motor channel (Motor B).
      • int Pot = 0;: This defines an analog input pin (probably connected to a potentiometer).
  4. Setup Function:

    • The setup() function is executed once when the Arduino starts.
    • Inside setup(), we do the following:
      • Serial.begin(9600);: Initializes serial communication at a baud rate of 9600.
      • driver.attachMotorA(motorA1, motorA2);: Attaches the motor pins to the Motor A channel.
      • driver.attachMotorB(motorB1, motorB2);: Attaches the motor pins to the Motor B channel.
  5. Loop Function:

    • The loop() function runs repeatedly after setup().
    • Inside loop(), we do the following:
      • valor = analogRead(Pot) / 4;: Reads an analog value from pin Pot and divides it by 4.
      • driver.motorAForward(110);: Sets Motor A to move forward at a speed of 110 (assuming this is a PWM value).
      • driver.motorBForward(90);: Sets Motor B to move forward at a speed of 90.
      • Serial.println(valor);: Prints the calculated valor to the serial monitor.


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